Few cents about my commits

bugfix #229: ERROR ITMS-90087: "Unsupported Architectures. The executable contains unsupported architectures [i386]


History RoboVM doesn’t strips all simulator archs from dynamic framework which causes ITMS-90087 during submission #228
Fix PR229

This kind of problem always was bothering me but I was under impression that stripping is not part of RoboVM and did this all time manually before submit. But it is there but broken due epic bug: here the code of org.robovm.compiler.target.AbstractTarget:copyDynamicFrameworks

    if (isDynamicLibrary(file)) {                                                                        
    // remove simulator archs for device builds
    if (config.getOs() == OS.ios && config.getArch().isArm()) {
        if(archs.contains(Arch.x86.getClangName())) {
            ToolchainUtil.lipoRemoveArchs(config, inFile, tmpFile, Arch.x86);
        if(archs.contains(Arch.x86_64.getClangName())) {
            ToolchainUtil.lipoRemoveArchs(config, inFile, tmpFile, Arch.x86_64);


  1. if arch contains x86 remove it and save to tmpFile
  2. then if it contains x86_64 do the same. But take not result of step1 but initial file where x86 still present. Done )

Fix in PR229

// remove simulator archs for device builds
if (config.getOs() == OS.ios && config.getArch().isArm()) {
    String archs = ToolchainUtil.lipoInfo(config, file);
    List<Arch> archesToRemove = new ArrayList<>();
    if(archs.contains(Arch.x86.getClangName())) {
    if(archs.contains(Arch.x86_64.getClangName())) {
    if (!archesToRemove.isEmpty()) {
        File inFile = new File(destDir, file.getName());
        File tmpFile = new File(destDir, file.getName() + ".tmp");
        ToolchainUtil.lipoRemoveArchs(config, inFile, tmpFile, archesToRemove.toArray(new Arch[archesToRemove.size()]));
        FileUtils.copyFile(tmpFile, inFile);

beside fixing the bug is optimize:

  • no copy of binary at all if there is no need to strip
  • get list of arch to strip and do it in one run
