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Tutorial: iOS - creating self-signed development certificate and provisioning profile to sign intermediate binaries


It is quite rare hacking as there is no problem receive certificate/provisioning profile from Apple using developer account or free provisioning. But there are moments when binary has to be signed during build time(kind of showstopper). In case when the binary is going to be shared with community it would be nice to keep personal account details not disclosed(these are included as part of signature). These cases are: binary distribution of Frameworks, plugins or application extensions. This post describes how to do self-signed provisioning and allow Xcode to use it.

Signing certificate - just use Keychain access

  • select login Keychain
  • navigate menu Keychain Access - Certificate Assistant and select Create certificate...
  • in dialog that appeared, fill following fields:
    • Name: iPhone Developer: Self Signer or whatever, but important to keep iPhone Developer: at beginning
    • Identity type: keep Self signed root
    • Certificate type: Code signing
    • be sure to check let me override defaults

  • hit continue and in next screen update validity period to 3652 this will to extend it live to 10 years
  • next personal information: important to specify Organization unit here as it will be used as Team identifier

  • next Key Pair information also not required any changes, keep default Key Size: 2048 bits and Algorithm: RSA
  • next Key Usage Extension please check that Signature is selected
  • next Extended Key Usage Extension please select beside Code Signing additional Any and Email Protection options. As this certificate will be also used to sign provisioning profile
  • keep Basic Constraints Extension as it is
  • keep Subject Alternative Name Extension as it is
  • make sure login keychain is selected at last screen and hit create

Provisioning profile from scratch

Some time ago provisioning profiles were just plain plist files but since then and now it is Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) with plist embedded as payload. Apple signs it when creating with own credentials but it is verified only once it gets to device. plist file can be extracted from provisioning profile with following command line:
security cms -D -i angrybirds.mobileprovision

Creating plist file

I just dumped plist from random Development provisioning profile and cleaned it into following template:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
	<string>selfsigned: any app</string>
		<data>*** CERT WILL GO HERE ***</data>
	<string>DO NOT USE: only for dummy signing</string>
	<string>Selfsigners united</string>

Filling with valid data

required: date constraints – just use same values as in certificate (can be checked in Keychain Access):


required: ‘DeveloperCertificates’. Pick the certificate value from Keychain with following command line: security find-certificate -c "iOS Development: Self Signer" -p
it will print certificate in .pem format:


copy base64 value of certificate, join multilines into sing line and put it inside <data> tag:


final .plist looks as bellow

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
	<string>selfsigned: any app</string>
	<string>DO NOT USE: only for dummy signing</string>
	<string>Selfsigners united</string>

optional TeamIdentifier: replace all SELFSIGNED with value you have specified in Organization Unit of certificate optional UUID: generate own one with uuidgen

wrapping into CMS .mobileprovision

Turning .plist into .mobileprovision with CMS tool and using same certificate that was create for codesigning that is why it was created with Any and Email Protection options. Command line to sign:

security cms -S -N "iOS Development: Self Signer" -i SelfSigned.plist -o SelfSigned.mobileprovision

Install resulted SelfSigned.mobileprovision as usual: click on it in Finder. If everything is set correctly and there is no mistake in dates it will be installed without any message.


Important: Restart Xcode if it was running to allow it pick up created signing identity and installed provisioning profile

Once reopened Xcode will see provisioning profile but will not be able to pick certificate for it as team is unknown. Code signing shall be configured to manual mode:

  • switch to Build setting tab and scroll down to Signing specification
  • switch Code sign style to manual
  • select created certificate iPhone Developer: Self Signer in Code Signing Identity
  • select created profile DO NOT USE: only for dummy signing in Provisioning Profile
  • keep team empty

Settings should looks similar to screenshot bellow:

Having these settings it is possible to build and dummy sign Frameworks, plugins or application extensions. Also it is possible to create and sign .ipa file this way but it is completely useless.
