Few cents about my commits

LLVM7-8: vol3 -- its alive. Update#3



Still waiting for official LLVM8 release but it was already tagged.
Meanwhile code was migrate to LLVM8 and commited to dkimitsa/robovm/llvm_80. Following was adapted:

  • bindings;
  • native code;
  • patches.

Code under LLVM8 branch can compile and produce runnable code.
Also both LLVM7/8 has been merged with debugger_local_resolution branch;

Next steps:

  • resurect and run RoboVm tests;
  • evaluate performance and size footprint of LLVM7 produced code;

Previous updates:

Update#2 – its alive
Code from dkimitsa/robovm/llvm_70 is able compile and start application in simulator/device. It gets alive status. What had been done:

  • RoboVm compiler infrastructure was updated to produce llvm 7 compatible IR code;
  • DebugInformationPlugin was reworked to produce llvm7 debug information;
  • Bunch of code was changed as it was broken as per llvm7 vision and produced crashes on asserts inside LLVM.

Update#1 - kickoff

  • LLVM and Clang mirror repos are used as source base;
  • CMake build files updated to compile version 7;
  • Swig files for java bindings were cleaned up initially to produce clean results without need of post-work-arounds;
  • LLMV Extra code – set of helpers and wrappers used by RoboVM were updated to work with new LLVM;
  • Swift files for bindings were updated to produce v7 wrappers;
  • RoboVM compiler’s code were updated as LLVM API was changed and lot of functionality was deprecated.
