Few cents about my commits

AltPods: pods updated + new bindings(Facebook)


AltPods were update to v1.3.0-SNAPSHOTS. Changes include:

New pod

Updated pod

Unchanged pod

Other changes

All pods now have proper dependency setup:

  • references to other pods;
  • references for required framework thorugh META-INF/robovm.xml (no need to specify frameworks in host application)

These pods were pushed to https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots maven repo under 1.3.0-SNAPSHOTS version.
Source code @github

Updates are not fullty tested, please open issue if bug found.

NB: AltPods – are robopods kept at my personal standalone repo. This is done to prevent main robopods repo from turning into code graveyard. As these pods have low interest of community and low chances to be updated.
