Few cents about my commits

Native Apple Silicon M1 support


Apple Silicon proposed in PR586. It includes:

  • m1 arm64 version of llvm, ilibmobiledevice, hfsconmpressor libraries to allow it being used with arm64 version of java;
  • support for arm64 iOS simulator and arm64 MacOSX console target.

How fast it is (compiling classes using 8 threads):

(Mac Mini m1): Compiled 3317 classes in 36.45 seconds
(Mac Pro W3565): Compiled 3317 classes in 111.60 seconds
(MacBook Pro, i5-4278U @ 4 threads): Compiled 3317 classes in 219.09 seconds

How to use

Pre-build binaries were deployed as 10.1.1-SNAPSHOT to com.robovmx fork and accessible for testing using Idea plugin or with gradle:

buildscript {
  repositories {
    maven { url 'https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots' }
  dependencies {
    classpath 'com.robovmx:robovm-gradle-plugin:10.1.1-SNAPSHOT'

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'robovm'
sourceCompatibility = 1.8
targetCompatibility = 1.8

repositories {
  maven { url 'https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots' }

ext {
  roboVMVersion = "10.1.1-SNAPSHOT"

robovm {

dependencies {
  compile "com.robovmx:robovm-rt:${roboVMVersion}"
  compile "com.robovmx:robovm-cocoatouch:${roboVMVersion}"
  testCompile "junit:junit:4.12"

Technical details

Compiling lib for m1 arm64

CMake pain

While running CMake on Apple platform it adds arch and sysroot parameters to compiler flags. However, there are CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT and CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET to control the beast, but it still doesn’t allow you to control completely build flags.
The only way to make it do what expected is to tell CMake we are doing cross compilation by specifying CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME.
In this case it will try to provide SYSROOT but it can be controlled by overriding CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT.

Adapting LLVM

Once m1 introduced arch64 binary can be any of the following arm64 platforms: MacOSX on m1, ios on device, ios on m1 simulator (with tvos it ever worse). A try to link arm64 files produced by RoboVM result in error:

building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS, for architecture arm64

To differentiate platforms Apple now uses LC_BUILD_VERSION mach-o load command:

struct build_version_command {
    uint32_t cmd;      // LC_BUILD_VERSION
    uint32_t cmdsize;  // sizeof(struct build_version_command) +
                       // ntools * sizeof(struct build_tool_version)
    uint32_t platform; // platform
    uint32_t minos;    // X.Y.Z is encoded in nibbles xxxx.yy.zz
    uint32_t sdk;      // X.Y.Z is encoded in nibbles xxxx.yy.zz
    uint32_t ntools;   // number of tool entries following this

// Values for platform field in build_version_command.
enum PlatformType {

LC_BUILD_VERSION replaced LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS. There is no support for this command in LLVM3.6 used with RoboVM. All required parts of code were borrowed from LLVM12 and added as a patch.

Fun fact 1

LLVM12 is not able to compile an apple asm file due missing corresponding branches in bool DarwinAsmParser::parseBuildVersion:

org.robovm.llvm.LlvmException: com.android.okhttp.HttpHandler:2:17: error: unknown platform name .build_version iossimulator, 14, 0

These were added to patch;

Fun fact 2

Clang 3.6` is so old so doesn’t expect iOS version greater than 9.99;

Compiling ilibmobiledevice

Where was only cross compilation issue same as in case of LLVM. NOTE: I was not able to test it with device as for development I rent m1 mac in cloud without ability to attach device to it.

Compiling libhfscompressor

commit Sources for this lib was missing in the project. Picked from https://github.com/robovm/hfscompressor, adapted to build using CMake and to use recent dependencies.
Added option to compile for both macosx-arm64 and macosx-x86_64. HfsCompressor.java updated to load platform specific binary

RoboVM compiler adaptation

This commit adds Environment (Native/Simulator) option that allows to make difference between targets of same arch (e.g. iOS arm64 vs MacOSX arm64).
For example build for arm64 now could be targeted to ios-arm64, macosx-arm64, ios-arm64-simulator. LLVM detects proper target from the triple, and it is being generated now with respect to Environment option. Also linker -miphoneos-version-min= parameter was replaced with --target= one that accepts the triple.

Changes were done to folder names: environment is being attached to every arch name where applicable. For example:


All code that used os + arch as key for platform now uses os + arch + env.

VM Native libraries adaptation

commit As linker now depends on LC_BUILD_VERSION separate set of VM native libraries were compiled for macosx-arm64, ios-arm64-simulator targets.

Simulator pickup logic adapted

commit Logic adapted to following:

  • simulator considered to have arm64 arch only on m1 host and if simulator’s version is 14+
  • x86 simulator is not available on arm64 m1 host

Intellij Idea plugin changes


  • auto simulator arch is set to the on of the host. E.g. on m1 will be set to arm64
  • console target now has arch option that allows to select x86_64/arm64 arch on m1 silicon;

Other fixes

commit These issues were discovered during run against debug version of llvm lib and crashes happened on assertions:

  • llvm: changed Load/Store atomic access ordering from unordered to monotonic as it was crashing during AtomicExpandPass for x86 target. Line of code where it crashed getStrongestFailureOrdering. In release build were assertions removed it falls down into Monotonic case anyway.
  • bug fixed: wrong calculation of struct offset for Vectorized Structs. Root case: vector was wrapped into single element struct like {<2 x float>} and any try to get offset for member 1+ returns garbage (or crash on assert in debug version of llvm). Workaround – getting element storage size and multiply by index

Bonus track: github action workflows to build native libraries

commit While macos-latest is still pointing to MacOSX 10.15 workflows are not able to build m1 macosx-arm64 target. x86_64 can be build today and arm64 will be available once macosx-11 is opened to public. Worflows allow to build libhfs, libmobiledevice, libllvm natives for MacOSX. In case of success build new branch with artifacts is pushed. Then it can be merged into master.
Build are triggered manually and are parametrized:

  • “Arguments to build.sh” – specifies arguments to build.sh script, e.g. target to build ;
  • “Target branch to push artifacts” – name of the branch were artifacts will be pushed;
  • “Commit message” – message to be used while committing artifacts;

Happy coding!

Please report any issue to tracker.
