Few cents about my commits

AltPods: pods updated - 1.30.0-SNAPSHOT


AltPods were updated to v1.30.0-SNAPSHOT to sync with recent releases.

Updated pods

These pods were pushed to https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots maven repo under 1.30.0-SNAPSHOTS version. Source code @github

Updates are not fully tested, please open issue if bug found.

Idea 2023.1: DevKit and fixes


DevKit is legacy tool to develop Intellij Idea plugins. It is being used for development of RoboVM compiler and Idea plugin as have benefits of seamless debugging and code hotswap.
Sadly starting from Idea 2022.3 it stopped to Run/Debug projects with following message:

Error: Could not find or load main class com.intellij.idea.Main

AltPods: pods updated - 1.29.0-SNAPSHOT


AltPods were updated to v1.29.0-SNAPSHOT to sync with recent releases.

Updated pods

These pods were pushed to https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots maven repo under 1.29.0-SNAPSHOTS version. Source code @github

Updates are not fully tested, please open issue if bug found.

Seamless XCFramework support


XCFramework is a distributable binary package that contains variants of binary framework or library built for different platforms/cpu architectures. Introduced in Xcode11. Also, it solves problem packaging Arm64 and Arm64-simulator binaries into Fat framework/library. RoboVM had workaround for two year already to framework path for different architectures. But it requires manual preparation.copying for each framework and a bit annoying. PR694 introduced two options to improve the usability:

1. Direct reference in <xcFrameworks>

AltPods: pods updated - 1.28.0-SNAPSHOT


AltPods: pods updated - 1.27.0-SNAPSHOT


AltPods: pods updated - 1.26.0-SNAPSHOT


AltPods were updated to v1.26.0-SNAPSHOT to sync with recent releases.

Updated pods

New pod

These pods were pushed to https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots maven repo under 1.26.0-SNAPSHOTS version. Source code @github

Updates are not fully tested, please open issue if bug found.

AltPods: pods updated - 1.25.0-SNAPSHOT


AltPods were updated to v1.25.0-SNAPSHOT to sync with recent releases.

Updated pods

These pods were pushed to https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots maven repo under 1.25.0-SNAPSHOTS version. Source code @github

Updates are not fully tested, please open issue if bug found.

AltPods: pods updated - 1.24.0-SNAPSHOT


AltPods were updated to v1.24.0-SNAPSHOT to sync with recent releases.

Updated pods

These pods were pushed to https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots maven repo under 1.24.0-SNAPSHOTS version. Source code @github

Updates are not fully tested, please open issue if bug found.

2.3.17 release is broken due JDK-8272564


Just in 1h after release first reports arrived. It resulted in failure to link with messages like:

Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: “_[j]java.lang.Object.notifyAll()V[lookup]”,

Moment here: Object.notifyAll is final method and doesn’t require [lookup] trampoline but quick look shows that its being invoked now with invokeinterface JVM instruction instead of invokevirtual as it was before.

Long story short: this happen due Java18 was used for compilation on build machine. And even if we target Java8 when compiling runtime different byte code was generated due applied JDK-8272564.

In short term – planned 2.3.18 release using Java 15 on host. Also we have to support method lookup for Object methods when these invoked on interfaces as it described in jvms- item 3.