RoboVM 2.3.4 released, what's new
21 Jun 2018 | whatsnewIt took a while for this release, compiler and gradle plugging is already on Maven and plugins will be available soon for download.
- What’s new
- Added support for ‘App Extensions’: still can’t create one with RoboVM but allows to use existing one (PR255)
- Framework target was improved that allows writing framework out of box without need of native coding (PR253)
- regenerated embedded icu51.dat to fix crashes on several locales (PR227)
- Enabling Maven debug options (#254, PR258)
- ios11.3 (PR280) and ios11.4 (PR299) bindings
- Resurrect junit support (PR281)
- Gradle pluggin maintaince: support for debugger, dependency to build, clean cache etc (PR292)
- bugfixes
- CBAdvertisementData cannot be instantiated](#224)
- RoboVM doesn’t strips all simulator archs from dynamic framework which causes ITMS-90087 during submission (#228, PR229)
- IB integrator generates wrong class name for empty @CustomClass, doesn’t support structs in IBInspectable (#230, PR231)
- debugger: fixed debugger crash when resolving stack variables on arm64 (#239, PR240)
- robovm doesn’t copies all swift libraries (#244, PR245)
- InterfaceBuilderClassesPlugin complains on missing classes in xib but they are not (#246, PR247)
- Debugger hangs when evaluating native objects that has no corresponding Java class loaded (PR256)
- Debugger - broken step over and crashed when using lambda (PR257)
- robovm + idea: wrong simulator version is launched than selected in run configuration (#262, PR263)
- added flush as Unhandled exception will not be directed to NSLog otherwise (PR267)
- Gradle: Unable to start 12.5 inch iPad simulator (#233, PR273)
- dSYM generation heavily delayed on XCode 9.3 (#279, PR282)
- IDEA: Install failure disables run button (#285, PR289)
- Signing app ext and frameworks for Simulator: Apps won’t run on simulator if embedded frameworks are present (#286, PR289)
- Fixed code sign auto signature/provisioning profile pickup (PR293)
- Robovm compiler crashes with Kotlin modules when compiling for debug (#295, PR296)
- fixed issue when breakpoint were not working in kotlin (PR297)
- fix for “WARNING ITMS-90725: “SDK Version Issue (#302, PR301)
- TLSv1.2 handshake fixed (#306, PR308)
- Useful tutorials
- Tutorial: using app-extensions in RoboVM iOS application
- Tutorial: writing Framework using improved framework target
- Tutorial: Crash Reporters and java exceptions
- Tutorial: Investigating silent crash of Release build (e.g. Port death watcher fired)
- Tutorial: Interface Builder integration in RoboVM
- Tutorial: using bro-gen to quick generate bindings